sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

Caution in the practice of Physical Exercises.

I recently wrote an article on the The importance of walking to be Human, a great option for anyone who wants physical activity to maintain a healthy rhythm of life. But she is not the only alternative for those wishing to have a better quality of life. And in this context the gymnastics gym location where the most popular activities, both men and women continues to be a strength. The stationary bike, a treadmill, a jump, the spinning, muay thai, gymnastics and stretching are located the other activities listed well.

With summer approaching those extra pounds begin to annoy a lot of people and not a few who see physical activity as "miracle solution" to lose those extra pounds. However, several of these people for a long time do not practice a sport and after years of inactivity want to return to practice exercises, without having a proper physical condition.

According to experts, many questions, regrets or guilt begin to go through a person's head when the proximity of the start of this season. The same look in the mirror, not feeling good about what you're seeing. The results from the lack of exercise and poor diet gives beginning to be reflected. Right now thousands seek various alternatives, sometimes misguided way to reduce love handles or the extra pounds to be well during the most anticipated season of the year.

Start a physical activity seems to be the most common alternative, but certainly not the least risky, since a large part of the population does not exercise regularly and begin with them abruptly, often risking their health due to overload of activities. In many cases people get years without doing any exercise and suddenly want to be enrolling in gyms to get in shape quickly, as if that alone were the solution to lose the extra pounds.

 Some news related to problems caused by physical overload have worried the professionals involved in this area, and before that the academies, often request a medical evaluation, in order to perform a checkup (electrocardiogram, exercise test, blood tests and Orthopedic examination ) and they check how is the person's body, giving tranquility to those who wish to start practicing a sport. This assessment can be done by any physician (including its particular), and some gyms require that the examination be performed by a doctor chosen by it, because there are fakes. You also need a physical assessment with the instructor, performed by the author and dermatologic examination to attend the pool if necessary.

There is no denying the benefits of exercise, but you must do it the right way by taking all necessary precautions. It is common in the era preceding the summer there is a real boom in gyms, these months are the best in the business point of view. For this it is necessary to always seek good quality establishments with good physical education professionals, which are attested their actual physical abilities, so he could work with you the exercises that best fit your profile.

No one should go crazy looking for magic formulas or fancy diets in order to get in shape quickly. With this mentality that everything will get is a big disappointment. The most important is to start gradually, under the eyes of the instructors and thus gradually increase the pace, in a safe and less risky.

Remember also that the physical education professional is the only body authorized to teach the practice of physical activities. Only he has the ability to stay attentive to the movements performed by the student, following all the details of the implementation of training, guiding even the correct way of breathing during exercise.

Luís Fernando Bruno

2 comentários:

  1. I walk a lot Luis, after leading a rather sedentary life... however; I did check this with my dr and I don't push myself where I might have pain... I just put my best effort forward :)

    1. Yes Launna... actually exercising is very good as long as done properly. :)
