segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2015

¡Ser Feliz!

La felicidad no tiene precio,
no se puede comprar,
tiene que ser vivida.

La felicidad tiene que ser real,
no una mera ilusión,
la felicidad es el amor y la paz en el corazón.

La felicidad es la confianza,
no tiene tiempo establecido
ella viene poco a poco, paso a paso.

La felicidad no depende únicamente de dinero,
este compra bienes materiales, no siempre la alegría,
esto sólo viene con desprendimiento y amor.

Sólo es feliz quien sabe resistir las batallas de la vida,
ganar y perder, pero nunca renunciar a la lucha,
felicidad es saber que lo mejor está por venir.

Luís Fernando Bruno


domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015

Ser Feliz!

A felicidade não tem preço,
não pode ser comprada,
tem que ser vivida.

A felicidade tem que ser verdadeira,
não uma ilusão que se dissipa com a brisa,
ser feliz é ter amor e paz no coração.

Felicidade é confiança,
ela não tem tempo determinado,
ela vem pouco a pouco, passo a passo.

Felicidade não depende unicamente de dinheiro,
este compra bens materiais, nem sempre a alegria,
essa só vem com o desprendimento e com o amor.

Somente é feliz quem sabe suportar as batalhas da vida,
ganhar e perder, mas jamais desistir da luta,
felicidade é saber que o melhor ainda está por vir.

Luís Fernando Bruno


sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2015

Be Happy!

Happiness has no price,
It can not be bought,
It has to be lived.

Happiness has to be real,
not a mere illusion,
Happiness is love and peace at heart.

Happiness is confidence,
It has no set time
she comes little by little, step by step.

Happiness does not depend solely on money,
this buying material goods, not always the joy,
this only comes with detachment, and love.

Only is happy who knows withstand the battles of life,
winning and losing, but never give up the fight,
Happiness is knowing that the best is yet to come in the future.

Luís Fernando Bruno

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2015


Te necesito hoy y por la eternidad
quiero estar a tu lado, mi único amor.

Sus ojos brillan como la luna del cielo,
su cabello es suave como la seda más fina.

Nuestros cuerpos tiemblan cuando nos besamos
y la lujuria es contagiosa, el amor sucede bajo la luna.

Dormir es imposible, el amor nos consume,
mi dulce ángel prohibido, mi gran amor.

Luís Fernando Bruno


segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

Meu Sonho!

Eu preciso de você hoje e por toda a eternidade,
quero estar sempre ao seu lado, meu único amor.

Seus olhos brilham como a lua e as estrelas do céu,
seu cabelo é tão suave como a mais fina seda, adoro tocá-lo.

Nossos corpos tremem quando nos beijamos e a luxúria nos domina, quando o amor acontece sob a luz do luar.

Dormir é impossível, o amor nos consome. Meu doce anjo proibido, meu sonho mais lindo, meu grande amor.

Luís Fernando Bruno



I need you today and for all eternity,
I want to be always by your side, my only love.

His eyes shine like the moon and the stars of heaven,
your hair is as smooth as the finest silk, I love touching it.

Our bodies tremble when we kiss and lust dominates us, when love happens under the moonlight.

Sleeping is impossible, love consumes us. My Sweet prohibited angel, my most beautiful dream, my great love.

Luís Fernando Bruno


segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2015

La Nación!

Mi hijo me preguntó si el futuro de la nación será bueno o malo... entonces cerré los ojos e imaginé:

No sé cómo va a ser su mundo en el futuro,
es posible que todo será maravilloso,
o un mundo furioso y lleno de maldad.

Hoy en día, vivimos en una sociedad austera,
a veces furiosa y dominada por la gente mala,
donde reina la corrupción y hay una falta de carácter.

Pero, el mundo se renueva con cada nuevo día por delante,
así que no te desesperes en las oscuras y frías noches
porque mañana el sol brilla y que producirá nuevas flores.

Conforme pasa el tiempo todo se renueva,
convirtiéndose en la luz, de la oscuridad que reinaba antes,
la ruptura de las cadenas del tirano... ¡Viva la Libertad!

Traiga en su pecho un sentimiento puro y sincero,
amar y respetar a la patria para siempre,
es su gran tesoro, que nadie puede quitar.

Abrí los ojos y pensé en la frase que alguien dijo: "La ignorancia es temporal, pero la estupidez es para siempre".

Así que le dije a mi hijo, a pesar de que los hipócritas hablaren lo contrario, no importa el tamaño de las batallas que hay que ganar... puede superarlos!

No importa que hoy en día reine la corrupción,
mi hijo es el futuro de la nación, es su deber luchar por
un mundo mejor para todos los ciudadanos.

Luís Fernando Bruno


sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

A Nação!

Meu filho perguntou qual será o futuro de nossa nação... foi aí que fechei os olhos e imaginei:

Não sei qual o mundo será o vosso,
é possível que seja tudo maravilhoso,
ou que vivas em um mundo cheio de maldade.

Hoje, vivemos em uma sociedade austera,
às vezes furiosa e  dominada por pessoas más,
onde a corrupção impera e existe a falta de valores.

Mas, o mundo se renova a cada novo dia que se inicia,
então não se desespere diante das noites escuras e frias
porque amanhã o sol brilhará e nascerão novas flores.

De tempo ao tempo, sem pressa tudo se renova,
transformando em luz, a penumbra e a treva que imperavam,
quebrando as correntes do tirano... Viva a Liberdade!

Filho guarda em teu peito, o sentimento puro e sincero,
e que o seu amor pela pátria seja verdadeiro e eterno,
ele é o seu grande tesouro, o qual ninguém pode tirar de você.

Abri os olhos... respirei... sorri...
Então disse: filho, não importa
o tamanho das batalhas a serem vencidas... Vencerás!

Não importa que hoje a corrupção impere,
você meu filho é o futuro da nação, jamais
deixe de lutar por um mundo melhor para todos.

Luís Fernando Bruno


My Country!

My son asked about the future of our nation, I closed my eyes and imagined:

I can not answer that world will be yours, It may be wonderful, or full of evil.

Today, we live in an austere society, sometimes furious and dominated by bad people, where corruption reigns and there is a lack of values.

But, the world is renewed with each new day ahead,
so do not despair on the dark and cold nights, because tomorrow the sun will shine and will be born new flowers.

From time to time, unhurried everything is renewed,
turning into light, the darkness and the darkness that prevailed, breaking the chains of the tyrant... long live freedom!

His love for the country, must be true and eternal,
it is its great treasure, which no one can take away.

I opened my eyes... smile...
Then said, son no matter
the size of the battles... you win all!

Never mind that now, many things are wrong, you my son is the future of the nation, should always strive for a better world for all.

Luis Fernando Bruno


segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015


En una tarde de verano, sentado en el parque,
bajo la sombra de un árbol, recuerdo historias de un tiempo feliz.

Tiempo en el que los pájaros cantaban y los niños vivía para jugar.
Momento en que había verdaderos amigos y con ellos todo era divertido.

Pero el tiempo pasa y el otoño expulsó a los pájaros.
De ahí que crecemos y llegamos el invierno para quedarse para siempre.

Persiguiendo a nuestro destino, no hay tiempo para cantar, hay varios compromisos, vivimos para trabajar.

Pero un día, de repente las aves regresan a sus nidos llenos de vida, nos volvemos a soñar como niños.
El corazón está perdidamente enamorado, creció una flor floreció el amor.

Luego descubrimos que la felicidad está en la simplicidad de viento...
En el calor del alma y los pequeños detalles de un colibri!

Luís Fernando Bruno


domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015


That summer afternoon, sitting in the park,
under the shade of a tree, I remember stories of a happy time.

It was a time when the birds were singing and the children lived to play.
When I had real friends and all were fun.

Time passes, winter came and the birds were gone.
We grow and darkness dominate everything.

Chasing our fate, no time to sing, there are several commitments, we live to work.

But one day, suddenly, the birds return to their nests full of life, we are happy again.
The heart is hopelessly in love, grew a flower blossomed love.

Then we discovered that happiness is in the wind simplicity,
In the heat of the soul as well, in the small details of a hummingbird!

Luís Fernando Bruno


Naquela tarde de verão, sentado no parque,
sob a sombra de uma árvore, lembro-me de histórias de um tempo feliz.

Tempo onde cantavam os pássaros e que as crianças viviam a brincar. Época na qual existiam os verdadeiros amigos e com eles tudo era diversão.

Mas, o tempo vai passando e o outono expulsa os passarinhos.
Daí a gente cresce e vem o inverno para deixar tudo sombrio.

Correndo atrás do nosso destino, já não há tempo para cantar, são vários os compromissos, vivemos a trabalhar.

Um dia, porém, de repente os pássaros voltam a encher de vida os ninhos e então voltamos a sonhar como meninos.
O coração está perdidamente apaixonado, nasceu uma flor floresceu o amor.

Descobrimos então que a felicidade está na simplicidade do vento, no calor da alma e nos pequenos detalhes de um beija-flor...

Luis Fernando Bruno


sexta-feira, 24 de julho de 2015


Quiero darle un dulce abrazo,
es con cariño besarla.
Un acto sin compromiso,
como un abrazo de un hermano,
sólo para verla sonriendo.

Quiero darle un dulce abrazo,
calentar en un día tan frío.
Quiero estar siempre a su lado,
uno que le protege como un escudo,
haciendo que el débiles sean fuertes.

Quiero darle un abrazo dulce,
y esta vez las dificultades disminuye.
Un abrazo con mucho cariño,
que le da la sensación de que nunca estás solo,
y toda la tensión está desapareciendo.

Quiero darle un dulce abrazo,
inocente y sin malicia.
No es necesario ser demasiado largo,
pero amigo sincero y verdadero,
un abrazo que le protege de enero a enero.

Luís Fernando Bruno


quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2015


Quero te dar um doce abraço,
e com carinho te beijar.
Um ato sem compromisso,
como um abraço de um irmão,
só para te ver sorrindo.

Quero te dar um doce abraço,
esquentar-te num dia tão gelado.
Quero estar sempre ao teu lado,
aquele que te protege como um escudo,
fazendo o fraco virar forte.

Quero te dar um doce abraço,
fazendo os problemas desaparecerem.
Um abraço com muito carinho,
fazendo com que você nunca esteja só,
e que te olhem com respeito, jamais com dó.

Quero te dar um doce abraço,
inocente e  sem malícia.
Não precisa ser muito longo,
mas sincero, amigo  e verdadeiro,
um abraço que te proteja de janeiro a janeiro.

Luis Fernando Bruno



I want to give you a sweet embrace,
and tenderly kiss her.
An act without compromise,
like an embrace of a brother,
just to see her smiling.

I want to give you a sweet embrace,
Heating in a day so cold.
I always want to be with you,
as a shield that protects,
causing the weak become strong.

I want to give you a sweet embrace,
making them disappear problems.
An embrace with love,
giving the feeling that you are never alone,
and the whole voltage will decrease.

I want to give you a sweet embrace,
innocent and guileless.
It does not take long,
but it is sincere and true friend,
a hug that protects you from January to January.

Luis Fernando Bruno


domingo, 21 de junho de 2015

The Orphan V

The Angel!

And there was Mary, lying in bed, alive or dead?
She was in a trance, a deep sleep.
When suddenly he heard a voice saying:

Wake up now! Arise!
You're throwing your life, shedding their blood in vain, giving his life on a tray.

Although drugs make you feel more alive, you're killing yourself.
Do not blame life, or anyone else, your life is in this situation for their own decisions.

Crying you want to leave this life full of lust and sin.
But his life is linked to the underworld and became accustomed to living that way.
But this is not the life God has planned for you, a smart, beautiful girl and com a wonderful daughter.

Tell me what your eyes see?
In addition to the path that leads to death, still believes in a better future?
Free yourself from the clutches of the devil, hiding her steel needle in his sick soul.

This hurts you, makes you bleed, your eyes are saddened.
But remember that there is a God who is greater than his suffering.
Embrace the Lord and let your pain go away.

And Mary woke up, opened his eyes, was in a hospital. She does not remember anything. He did not know that a friend had gone to the hotel, and seeing the unconscious, he called the doctors.

She was confused with that voice which does not get out of your head, wondering if it had all been a dream, or, indeed, an angel had spoken to him. Only one thing was certain, his life would not be the same.

At the hospital, she met with Dr. George Xavier, a very distinguished gentleman. He explained that Mary needed urgent treatment. Would not have a second chance, she could die if she continued in this life. He spoke to Mary of clinical treatment for drug addicts, which belonged to his brother Charlie Xavier. And Mary agreed to be admitted there.

Mary was willing to do anything to have a new life, get a job, be able to find her daughter Hope in the orphanage.

The beginning of the hospitalization was not easy, embittered by solitude and abstinence from drugs, Mary often thought about giving it all up. All those facing a similar situation know how difficult it is to handle this battle against addiction.

Mary remembered the angel's words:
Tell me what your eyes see?
In addition to the path that leads to death, still believes in a better future?
Free yourself from the clutches of the devil, hiding her steel needle in his sick soul.

And so our heroine Mary did not give up. Over time she has created a very strong bond with the doctor Charlie. And with her angelic form, the girl was loved by other patients, performing small tasks at the clinic.

After a treatment time Mary no longer felt any need for drugs or drinks. And another miracle happened, she promised not to fall in love again, and was delighted with Dr. Charlie.

Mary smiled again, was very happy. She left the clinic. He returned to the streets? No, never. He moved in with his new love, which made her feel again a real woman. Charlie did Mary pursue their studies in search of a better future.

But something was missing, that is, the most important of all. You probably imagine what it is. Mary was eager to find the love of her life, her daughter Hope.

It was a sunny day, on a hot summer morning. Mary walked back to the orphanage  Divine Light. Charlie wanted to go with her, but preferred to go alone.

She was tense, shouting, smiling. A million emotions and feelings went through the mind of Mary. He rang the bell and was greeted by an employee who recognized immediately. Brought to the Mother Superior, who was very old, Mary told her story and began to cry. The Superior said Hope was in school, she was a beautiful girl and said that her mother would one day come get it.

The big moment came, the children came from school. Maria was to meet his daughter Hope. She hugged, kissed and wept with her daughter in her arms. It was a scene very exciting.

And Mary thanked the sisters and took his daughter Hope for home, where they were received with joy by Charlie. It was a new beginning for a happy family.

Mary remembered the angel's words:
Tell me what your eyes see?
In addition to the path that leads to death, still believes in a better future?
Free yourself from the clutches of the devil, hiding her steel needle in his sick soul.

Mary smiled...

Mary, the woman who won the great battle against death...
Mary, a young dreamer who had the opportunity for a new beginning of life...
Mary, who dreamed of happiness and is now happy...

Today, most people very fond of Maria, and you like?

The story ended happily, but it could have been otherwise. Let us fight for a better society, where there are fewer "Mary's". Let us dream of a more just and equal world.

The End

Luis Fernando Bruno

you should read:  The Orphan - The Innocence

                                    The Orphan II - Discovering Love

                                   The Orphan III - Deception!

                                   The Orphan IV - Sad End?