quarta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2014

Aos meus Amigos…

O Natal é um tempo maravilhoso, no qual os nossos corações brilham, com a emoção que sentimos com o nascimento do Menino Jesus.

O Natal é a festa na qual enfeitamos as nossas casas, com árvores coloridas, que demonstram a alegria e felicidade que o nosso espírito está sentindo.

Desejo com toda a minha alma, que o nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo abençoe cada um dos meus amigos, bem como todos os seus familiares, derramando uma chuva de bençãos sobre cada um.

Tenha um Natal abençoado, cheio de alegria, amor e paz!

Feliz Natal!

Luis Fernando Bruno


segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

A mis amigos...

(Ilustración: Gabriela Bardini)

Amigos, les deseo una Feliz Navidad, que refleje la conmemoracion del nacimiento de Cristo en su corazón. Que Usted y su familia sientan aún más fuerte el significado del amor, lo cual hace que se viva siempre con gran felicidad.

La Navidad es un tiempo dulce y significativo para nuestras vidas. Es hora de repensar los valores, ponderando la vida y todo lo que nos rodea. Siempre es tiempo para contemplar ese pobre muchacho, que nació en un pesebre, para hacernos comprender que el ser humano vale por lo que es y hace, y nunca por lo que tiene.

También espero que el año 2015 esté lleno de victorias en la vida laboral y personal, con mucho dinero, pero con la sensibilidad de saber que los bienes materiales no son todo en la vida.

Deseo que pueda prestar más atención a todo lo que sucede en su vida cotidiana, a veces la mejor para su vida es todo aquello que lo rodea y no se ha dado cuenta.

También le deseo amistades verdaderas, porque, no hay nada mejor que ser capaz de salir, viajar, bailar y reír con sus verdaderos compañeros. Estos amigos estarán con nosotros en las buenas y en las malas.

Amigos les deseo una Navidad y Año Nuevo lleno de salud, amor y prosperidad.

Feliz Navidad! Feliz 2015!

(Revisión del texto: Romina Vicensini)

Luís Fernando Bruno

Happy Holidays!

Friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas, reflecting the commemoration of the birth of Christ in their hearts. You and your family feel even stronger the meaning of love, which makes it always alive with great happiness.

Christmas is a sweet and meaningful time for our lives. It's time to rethink the values, pondering life and everything around us. It's always time to contemplate that poor boy, born in a manger, to make us understand that the human being is worth what it is and does, and never for what you have.

The greatest desire is that this Christmas, the light that the world guide can also lighten your dreams, angels encamp around forever protect you, sustain this long journey of life, so that the path is full of flowers and fruits.

I also hope that in this 2015 be full of victories in work and personal life, with a lot of money, but with the feeling of knowing that material goods are not everything in life.

I also like to have real friendships, because there is nothing better than being able to travel, dance and laugh with their true companions who accompany us at all times.

Have peace in your heart and fly so high that will never be reached. Believe you can and will achieve your goals. Believe that a good idea will become a realization. Do not be afraid to reach for the stars. And most importantly meet God every day, so everything will become much simpler and your year will be enlightened!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

(Spellcheck: Lety MdEhlinger)

Luis Fernando Bruno


segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2014


Many must be wondering why I write not for weeks. Then I explain that I can only write when I'm passionate and well with my heart. I suffered a loving disappointment that left me very badly.

When you lose someone that interested you, your life becomes empty. That bright and colorful world that only exists between couples in love, disappears. The void will filling the heart that was previously occupied by a particular person.

Magical moments that made you laugh and dream of a wonderful future, now gave way to painful memories and disappointments. You walk with eyes lost in the crowd, does not see anyone. So many people in the world, so many places to meet and nothing else interests you. Nothing and no one have quite as much importance, or arouses interest.

So people disillusioned live in this world. Suffering by the end of the relationship is a big problem when it puts an end, in a story that was to be eternal.

How nice it would be if we could exclude someone from our life as easily as we do in a social network. But this is impossible because nobody can withdraw the mind from what is still present in the heart.

So, I walk with a broken heart, asking God for strength to overcome a big disappointment.

Luís Fernando Bruno