quarta-feira, 3 de julho de 2013

About Humans and Horses

(illustration: Gabriela Bardini)

Today I will write about the use of the horse in the recovery of motor coordination of certain disabled: equine therapy. But first let's talk a little about the origin of this animal so well known and has brought many benefits to man since ancient times. According to studies and research, the horse is a mammal whose evolution has begun about sixty million years. With the evolution was gaining size and changes experienced by the entire body.

(illustration: Gabriela Bardini)

The horses live around 25-30 years and an elaborate use body language to communicate with each other. Long played a role in the transport (both mounted, as pulling carriage) and also in farm work. Until the mid-twentieth century, armies used horses in war. By having four long legs are also perfectly adapted to various sports and games, such as racing, polo and riding tests.

(illustration: Gabriela Bardini)

Well, talking about equine therapy, it is a multidisciplinary task and involves physicians, physiatrists, educators, psychologists, occupational therapists and pediatricians. It is based on exploitation of the natural qualities of the horse to seek the rehabilitation of the individual, be designed as a carrier of a psychosocial or multiple disabilities, ie, patients with amputations, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injuries, blindness, deafness, autism syndrome Down, emotional disorders, drug addicts, mental retardation and a dozen other pathologies.

(illustration: Gabriela Bardini)

The equine therapy brings several benefits, such as improved balance, posture, development and coordination of movements of trunk, limbs and vision, the stimulus of tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory and the environment and work with the horse. It also brings increased self-esteem, facilitating social integration, improved flexibility, promote relaxation, stimulation of the smooth functioning of the internal organs. Help overcome phobias, such as height, animal, stimulates affection by contact with the animal, improves memory, concentration and sequence of actions, motivates learning by encouraging the use of language. Teaches the importance of rules like security and discipline, increased capacity and independence of decision in different situations. Promotes a sense of well-being, encouraging continuity of treatment by providing attachment concepts: forward / backward, on top / bottom, left / right, inside / outside, high / low, fast and slow. It also stimulates the handedness, providing structuring time / space in relation to yourself, your pet, other animals and other people involved in the process.

(illustration: Gabriela Bardini)

Despite being a highly recommended therapy, it has some contraindications or restrictions, like almost everything in this life. Therefore, it is essential that the patient undergoes a medical evaluation stating the conditions and is also recommended physical therapy and a psychological analysis of the future practitioner. It is also not recommended for people with allergies to animals and orthopedic restrictions.

(illustration: Gabriela Bardini)

The equine therapyy is fundamental to the lives of people with disabilities who can perform the treatment, since in practice the therapy moves with every movement of the person. Bringing huge benefits to the spine and legs. Being excellent also to the psychological as the opportunity to have direct contact with the animals ends up reflecting the person's psychological, bringing a great improvement in mood and willingness to make new things.

Luís Fernando Bruno

4 comentários:

  1. It's amazing how much this type of therapy can help people. Nice article.

    1. Thanks Daisy,,, this therapy is really very good, and can help many people.

  2. Horses are magnificent animals... and very beautiful:)

    1. Thank's Launna,,, horses are incredible and very useful.*_*
