segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Here we are ending another year of many victories and achievements. Particularly, I thank all of you who have followed me here on the blog, where it all started as a big joke, but now when I look back I realize that I can not live without you my great friends. I  thank you that gave me the honor of reading my texts or at least one them. To all my thanks and count on you in 2014.

I wish all my friends...

Wish your Christmas be bright with joy and light of love. I wish that this holiday season you can add all the joys and divide with your brothers your enthusiasm to be happy. For it is the small gestures and everyday actions that we must provide a minimum of understanding and joy to all those around us.

I wish that this Christmas we can review our past to improve our future in which God will bless us with your light and shine before us, opening us the way to Him.

I wish that our hopes and our dreams are always new live, becoming reality.

I wish that love, faith and hope are present in each of us, that each new day of the year that is about to begin is illuminated.

I wish that love can flourish and where we can enjoy the divine goodness. Do our part in the search for happiness.

I wish that the spirit of Christmas and the expectation of the new year to make reborn in us the hope of better days to come, where love, faith, solidarity and fraternity can be a constant presence every day of the year in our lives.

Our blog wishes all our readers best wishes for peace, health and happy holidays. We want you to always keep to our side with your joy and companionship, always honoring us.

A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. These are the votes of the entire staff at blogluisfbruno for you and your whole family.

Happy New Year to you!

Luís Fernando Bruno


4 comentários:

  1. Merry Christmas Luis, have a lovely holidays :)

    1. Merry Christmas Launna, for you and your entire family! :)

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

    1. Happy New Year Daisy, for you and your entire family! *_*
