sexta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2013

No Limits!

Overcoming is the art of doing what we want with the tools which we have in hand, working in the best way possible is to go beyond what we are able.

To be happy in life, the key is to believe in yourself. It is unbelievable that we are fully aware of the value of material things like a car, a house, a coat, among others, but we do not know the value of our inner strength.

Take for example the story of the duck, much used when talking about self-help:

Have you seen a duck?

He's beautiful is not it? Well look at it and see everything he does, he swims, runs, flies and dives. In short it is a do everything, but does nothing right. When nothing can not stay more than two minutes under water, when you think about flying, not soars more than 3 feet from the ground, can not run very fast. In conclusion: it does everything and does nothing!

No use trying to embrace the world and not do anything right. Focus is what we really need to be the best at what we do.

Unfortunately, sometimes we get stuck in our defects and shortcomings, forgetting the great qualities which we have and guide us throughout our lives. Bear in mind that we are and we must learn to love what we have.

There is no perfect human being, we all have something of angels and demons. Sometimes strong, others weak. Sensitive carrying within itself a huge potential to perceive everything in the environment in which we live, adapting over the years, living more intensely.

As we are more aware of our value, we become more secure and confident in ourselves. Without becoming overbearing or annoying. Self-love means to appreciate its value above all things, ensuring your peace of mind, thus achieving happiness. Each being is unique and the most important is to always be yourself, not trying to imitate other people. When you're good about himself, lets others do the same.

For from the moment that we are at peace within, we come to know others better, since all humans have many similar characteristics.

Our self-assessment should not be confused with arrogance or superiority, but rather should give us greater humility and responsibility to get every day our maximum potential. Without intimidate us and always doing the best without fear of making mistakes. Logically, it would be much easier to sit idly by waiting for things to fall from the sky alone, but this certainly does not happen.

As men and women capable, we must always be committed to our daily tasks, seeking to develop them with excellence, seeking the most important in our lives that is happiness.

Luís Fernando Bruno


4 comentários:

  1. Yes Luis, we should always put out a lot of effort to be our best but not to show it off to others, to show ourselves we are stronger than we thing:)

    1. Yes Launna... each person is a unique being, and each must do his best, without going over the feelings of anyone!! :)

  2. I think as I have gotten older i have learned to appreciate who I am. I am not the same as anyone else and don't need to be. Everyone is unique and should be valued as such.

  3. Certainly Betty, you I totally agree. We are unique and we must live together for a better tomorrow!
