quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Your choices... your destiny!

Kindness is a very important feature for people in their daily dealings with others, regardless of social class or rank.

Hello, how are you, good morning all right with you, among other greetings can make you socialize well with others.

Most times, nothing is achieved through strength, the love always wins in the end.

I know this seems like a utopia, but I'm a dreamer, believe in a society where friendship and love between people is important.

For this reason, I prefer living in the countryside, where free path through the woods, with my loyal friends.

In my private paradise, where joy is full of poetic images.

You see, it is impossible to live a life without pain or suffering, but it depends on your willpower to overcome them.

Strength is not always the best weapon to be used, sometimes calm and patience can be much more effective in achieving our goals.

Accompanying the story below, by an unknown author, rather simple, but it says a lot:

The fable of the Wind and the Sun!

The wind and the sun began to argue over who was stronger. I said the wind. I'll prove I'm the strongest. See that old man there I bet I can take his coat faster than you. The sun retreated behind a cloud, letting the wind blow, almost to become a hurricane. But however strong the wind blew, the more the old man was wrapped in his coat.

Finally, the wind stopped and surrendered. When the sun came out again, the old man felt a lot of heat and wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hand, removed his coat.

The astro-king said to the wind:

"Kindness is always stronger than fury and violence."

The weather gives you a blank page for you to write your masterpiece, namely the fate of his life.

Your future is in your hands, it's up to you to choose the best way to live your life, choosing to live like the wind or the sun.

Luís Fernando Bruno


2 comentários:

  1. I think I will choose to be the sun Luis... much simpler way of being... Have a great day :)

  2. Hi lovely Launna ... I also choose to be the sun,,, have a great day :)
