sexta-feira, 26 de julho de 2013

Physical Exercise in Old Age!

Exercise is beneficial at any age, significantly improving the quality of life. Longevity and improved well-being is all because everyone wants to live long, but with health, fitness, and if possible, with your ideal weight.

If you do not exercise or maintain a balanced diet probably will have no benefit and does not enjoy a good quality of life.

The physiological aging does not necessarily follow chronological age, as this varies from person to person, taking into account several factors, but mainly the lifestyle of each.

Promoting health and quality of life are the most important goals of physical activity in old age.

It is essential that the elderly learn to cope with the changes in your body and take advantage of his physical condition, preventing and maintaining its full autonomy. For this it is necessary to look at healthy lifestyle by incorporating physical activity into their daily lives.

Exercise helps maintain strength and elasticity of the muscles, prevents obesity and gives a sense of well-being and psychological.

With age, the movements begin to be slower and less secure and exercise daily, will go higher reliability.

Exercise also helps prevent some diseases, especially heart and decrease the loss of calcium from bones. Joint mobility is directly related to the range of motion and flexibility with its quality.

The strength and frequency of the elderly is dedicated to active occupations. The reduction of mobility and resistance impairs performance of many activities of daily living.

The time is now! Do not be late. Invest in yourself and a future full of joy. For this factor becomes essential. It is important that seniors choose an activity that he feels pleasure, not to abandon the activity. So it is easier to maintain regularity. Try various physical activities until you find the one that best fits your profile.

Luís Fernando Bruno


4 comentários:

  1. I totally agree with being physically fit, especially as you become older. I am grateful I have caught the exercise bug and I feel this is a lifetime change for me :)

    1. Correct Launna, we have to practice exercises forever, no matter our age!! :)

  2. Physical exercise is indeed so important for everyone at every age. Nice article.

  3. Thanks Daisy, really a healthy life is very important.
