domingo, 3 de julho de 2016

You Can Do It!

Never put negative thoughts in your mind.

You should always think positively, in order to have a clear conscience, living well with you and with others.

Look enjoy every moment of your day, leaving no room for negative thoughts, as it will only take you to a state of depression and frustration.

Stand firm in the construction of their goals, always try to think positively, after all the only person who controls your thinking is you.

Being happy does not depend on the circumstances, your success depends only on you.

Live as if it were the last day, forgive those who say or do bad things to you. Share the love, respect, tolerance and always be patient.

Enjoy all the graces God gives you. Share with their peers the pursuit of happiness.

Go straight ahead, overcoming all challenges.

You can. Then do!

Luís Fernando Bruno


2 comentários:

  1. Working on our own attitude is important... it's not always easy to be positive but we need to keep trying xox

    1. Hi Launna... yes... we have to always think positively... it's hard, but we must try.... :)
