Today I want to dedicate these words of affection,
a person who was very important in my life.
To a girl from a far country,
that came into my life like an angel .
With his character and his way of being sweet,
my good girl who never left me alone.
Always with a word of comfort, a council
the most difficult times of my life .
My girl always had a smile on his face,
thank you for your great and sincere friendship.
There is no doubt that it was very important
in my life, Chubby Girl with her way of being.
It's impossible not to like someone as good
many laughed at her for being overweight.
With the body off of the measures dictated by fashion.
Woe to those who missed the opportunity to
know a person with a heart of gold.
She returned to her country and we lost contact,
but I thank God for all that you gave me,
because it was a gift in my life,
hear me in good times and in difficult times.
Today I write these kind words,
explaining that meant so much in my life .
My lovely and valuable Chubby Girl,
thank you for your friendship with all my love.
Fernando Bruno
It's good that you could see her for the beautiful woman she is on the inside Luis;-)
ResponderExcluirLaunna she is a beautiful friend, both on the outside with the inside! :)