sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017


The story begins like all the others...

Once upon a time he was a nice young man, who had many qualities, but who lived mostly solitary and unhappy.

No matter how much he did, he was always ignored by others, the lowest in society. Always considered the grumpy of the class, he was not invited to parties and social events. His life was marked by monotony and loneliness.

On one of those days, he was reading the Holy Bible, more precisely Genesis, finding the story of Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, who had Abel as his younger brother.

According to the Bible, when he was possessed with jealousy, Cain would have killed Abel, and after the murder, God would have set a mark on Cain, so that he would not be mortally wounded, wandering like an errant on the face of the earth. The Bible does not explicitly identify what the sign left by God in Cain would be.

That's when our nice young man, full of neurosis, began to imagine things, wondering, what is wrong with me? Do I have any sign that drives people away from me? Do I have the Mark of Cain in my body?

Reflecting on the situation, he reasoned that he would have two paths to follow: the first, more comfortable, would be to think that there would be no way out and that he would live unhappy for the rest of his life. Throwing all the blame on society. Putting yourself in the position of victim. The second would be to conduct a self-analysis in your life, trying to figure out if he was doing something wrong, improving day by day as a person. He opted for the second option.

But why did he do it?

The answer is quite simple. Again quoting the Bible in Genesis 4.7, God tells Cain, "If you do good, then will not you be accepted?"

Everything in life has a certain time to occur. We should not be like zombies and act like everyone else around us, but we can not be arrogant and consider ourselves masters of truth. As difficult as it may be, we have to be rational and balanced beings.

Let's try to socialize more, smile more and have fun together with our family. You who are reading, as well as our young hero, will be able to see that God created us in His image and likeness (this is also biblical), not to be sad, unhappy beings but to live worthily under His immense glory.

Say no to the Mark of Cain! You were born to be a Winner! God is with You! You can do!

Luís Fernando Bruno

2 comentários:

  1. It is true we always have the choice to choose the right path... sometimes it feels difficult but we still need to try... xox

    Sorry I haven't been around Luis, I have been dealing with a great deal of physical pain, I am starting to feel much better xox

    1. Hi Launna... we are really responsible for the choices we make in our lives, we are the authors of our own history.

      I was missing your comments, you're a very lovely friend. xox

      I wish you to recover soon... xox
