domingo, 13 de julho de 2014

The New Age!

Today we are living in a society of lies, condemned to live in a world where the superfluous, mediocrity and lack of values ​​prevails.

The system plays not think for ourselves, blind, lost hope, identity, trust in our own power and capacity development. Actually we live a great paradigm, since the easiest thing is to blame the system for all the misfortune we face, however, if we assume our responsibilities, we will see that our future always passes through our hands, or our decisions today are directly linked with the morrow.

Always walk with their feet, keeping in mind that a personal decision, can change the entire context of a given situation, be it individual or collective. Therefore, take responsibility for their own decisions.

Leave apathy aside, looking with faith and hope the best for your future. Do not be manipulated by opportunistic leaving beings who think themselves superior, owners of the truth.

Each of us has a great strength within you, having great power of transformation in the environment in which it lives, and may with one simple gesture or attitude change many things, as well as mobilize resources to significantly improve daily events.

Do not be influenced by the prevailing pessimism, when reading accounts of the reports of how bad the world keep in mind simply that all obstacles can be overcome. Convincing your brain that the best is yet to come.

Create your own future, inform yourself, read everything that arrives in your hands, prepare your future, being the author of the story itself.

Luís Fernando Bruno


2 comentários:

  1. we certainly need to be the authors of our own lives... it isn't easy and it takes making choices that are not always easy but ultimately it is better than letting others lead our lives...

  2. Hi Launna... you always brilliant in his comments... authors of their own history...
