sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2014

We are in luck!

Year in, year out and always do the same promise: It will all be different in this new year to come. But we have to understand that is not the year, ie, an external situation that must change. The main change begins within each of us.

So in this new year begins, we are positive people and understand that success, fame and acclaim of others are ephemeral. The human being wants and deserves to be recognized, this is a normal desire, but not uncontrolled need. You should do your best yes, but should not go over anyone in order to gain their objectives.

Intelligent and evolved minds know that the most important is inner peace, which can only be achieved through our spiritual well being. We must understand and accept in our own mind that success depends on a number of factors inherent to the process of personal growth.

The positive is not looking for looks, race, religion or customs of others. He respects the ways of life, so also respected.

This type of person knows what is empathy, taking good care of your words, gestures and actions. Seeks to achieve its like, to know how a person feels when wound. The man or woman who cultivate positive attitude know they are on track to become a better person.

However, the desire to correct the errors is not enough if you're just focusing on your living in a material point of view, because after all, the best things in life are priceless.

The important thing before starting any new plan is to first thank God for the graces you have received recently. Yeah, just like that, our spiritual side is above the physical, which lately has dominated modern society.

Positive people are like that, regardless of religion, because they found personal satisfaction with the focus primarily to the spiritual side. Getting used to cultivate healthy thoughts and ideas that develop qualities and values ​​such as solidarity, comradeship and endurance.

Having a more humane approach in our lives, the experiences faced in previous years will have great value and are useful tools to improve as a person. We should try to understand or correct what went wrong in the past and only then, prepare for the accomplishments and victories to be achieved in this new year that is just beginning.

So come with strength and courage to enter this new year with positive thinking in all situations to be overcome in 2014!

Luís Fernando Bruno


4 comentários:

  1. I have to agree that a new year does not equate to change... change comes from within and is lasting... not because of a date on a calendar... :)

    1. True Launna... date only symbolizes the beginning of a new era, a new phase, much better! :)

  2. Nice article. I agree that being positive and having gratitude for blessings given is the key to being happy and successful.

    1. Thank's Daisy... Your comments always encourage me a lot, you're a great friend.
